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Publish Unity mini games in China

Posted by: APPTUTTi
Category: Blog

You have probably heard of the rise of mini programs in China where WeChat leads the way. Other platforms that have caught onto the world of mini programs include Alipay, Baidu and TikTok. 

Mini programs allow you to access apps and games without needing to install each one individually on your device as they are designed to run seamlessly within a single platform and are simply one click away whenever you need them. Think of them as apps within an app.

Some of you probably already rely on mini programs to go about your day, whether it’s to catch up with the latest news headlines on your morning commute to work, order lunch on the go or unwind over a trending mini game when you are back home from work.

You are now probably wondering how you can publish your very own mini games in China. Cocos and Laya were previously the only engines that supported mini games, but support has now extended to Unity. Our team at APPTUTTi is certainly on the look out for new and exciting mini games to launch in China.

To publish a mini game in China, Unity developers can simply submit 2021.1.10f1c1 HTML5 of their Unity source code with packed WebGL project to us and we will handle the rest. Cocos creators and Laya developers can likewise submit their source codes. We think that hyper casual works best.

You will find that mini programs are easier and quicker to develop which means that you can test and explore ideas more freely. You also no longer need to develop programs and version updates for Android and iOS users separately. In a market fragmented by over 400 Android app stores, mini programs perhaps give wary developers a clearer direction to take as they now only need to cater to the few tech platforms out there.

Regardless of whether you are looking to debut a creation in the Chinese market or looking for a new format to explore, mini programs are undoubtedly the way to go.

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Author: APPTUTTi