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May the games be with you!

Posted by: APPTUTTi
Category: Featured

We can witness the increasing interest in the Chinese market and APPTUTTi have been working hard to keep up with our Partners’ pace. Here we collected our May releases in one post:

1.    Foodland Survival 疯狂水果切

Action role-playing survival with roguelite elements from Vietnamese studio TQC is now available on TapTap, HaoYou and China iOS. Defeat the malicious Zombie insects and protect your garden by downloading our new adventure title here

2.    Idle Ocean Cleaner Eco Tycoon 希望之光

Save the planet with our idle tycoon game created by game enthusiasts from Poland, FERA Games . Clean the oceans, battle pollution and climate change by searching our game on TapTap, Vivo, XiaoMi and MomoYu

3.    Little Dino Zoo 我的家园 and Hero vs Horde 无尽决战

We have got 2 new casual arcade games from our Brazilian friends Dreams on Demand [pm3] published on multiple stores! Raise amazing dinosaurs with Little Dino Zoo and battle the villain aliens by downloading Hero vs Horde. Here you can find the links:

Little Dino Zoo

Hero vs Horde

4.    Naboki 头脑风暴之脑筋急转弯

This premium and relaxing puzzle game has become available to China players for free! We delivered another peaceful puzzle with no time limits, scoring or even text created by Polish dev Maciej Targoni. This will soon be released on Wechat mini-programs, meanwhile you can get it on Vivo

5.    Crowd Eater 疯狂模拟器

Our new project from the ongoing collaboration with Belarus casual games creator Mamboo Games has entered China market! Create the biggest crowd in town and avoid the ever-growing black hole by downloading our title on China AppStore

Explore these games and more on TUTTi Club now!

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Author: APPTUTTi