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Posted by: APPTUTTi
Category: Blog

With the World Cup kicking off later this month, let's take a look back at some of the football games submitted by our partners over the years!

Football Drama

Open Lab S.R.L., Italy

Ever wanted to manage your own team? Meet Rocco Galliano, the new Marseillaise manager of Calchester Assembled Football Club!

Will your raucous shouts from the bench change the fate of the team? Will you find wiseness and karma with the help of the Book of Changes? Will your shady past reach back to you and make you crumble? Chances that you can make it through a full season are slim. Corruption, crime, drugs and romance are all paths that you may take - for better or worse. This is the only football game where you may lose the championship and win the game!

Football Car World Cup: Water Cars Fight

Squad Cell, Pakistan

Footballs + cars + water = a splash of a game!

Clash of Football Legends

Next Generation Games, Ukraine

A team favorite.

Football Logo Quiz

OwlApps, Russia

Do you know your clubs?

Zombie Football

Pixel Perfect Studios, USA

Here's one for the American football fans out there.

Looking to join the club?

Don't miss out on our very own TUTTi Games for the opportunity to enjoy our intellectual property protection services at exclusive discounts.

Author: APPTUTTi