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China: Android vs iOS

Posted by: APPTUTTi
Category: Blog,Business

As we bring on a new decade, let’s remind ourselves of just how important the Android market is in China. Figures from November 2019 show how a meager 16% market share for Apple’s iOS pales in comparison to the whopping 83% market share that Android holds in China.

There is no question that publishing an iOS app is easier and quicker than publishing an Android app in China. The reasons are threefold.

First, the Google Play store, ubiquitous to Western audiences, is missing in China, unlike Apple’s App Store. Instead, Android apps are distributed to users through over 400 Android app stores—popular stores include Tencent My App, Huawei App Market and Migu. The lack of a central distributor invariably means that the multiple distribution channels that developers have to navigate through becomes a tedious process with no end in sight.

Second, China proudly runs on its own ecosystem and plays by a different set of rules from the rest of the world. Local advertisements replace overseas equivalents, while content and language are also subject to control. Appropriate SDK resources and localization tools are therefore required if you are looking to adapt to the culture but also stand out from the crowd at the same time.

Finally, games in China have to be approved by the National Administration of Press and Publication (NAPP) before they can be published. This publishing license, also known as an ISBN, is a valuable document but comes with a lengthy application process. For more information about this regulatory requirement, take a look at this summary we compiled

So this is where APPTUTTi comes in. We are here to navigate you through these infamous convoluted channels and provide you with the necessary SDK resources, localization tools, analytics and regulatory services to equip your Android apps and games for publication in the top app stores in China.

The more time and effort spent in the publication process, the larger the rewards available for you to reap afterwards. Patience is the key. So take a chance in this new year, jump down the Android publishing rabbit hole, steer through unexplored territory and you may just be rewarded with larger and better opportunities for the rest of the year!




Author: APPTUTTi